Identity Theft: One of the most talked-about and fastest growing white-collar
crimes in history, identity theft is a problem you can't afford
to ignore.
Where is the information kept:
• All information is stored on the computer it is installed.
• This software DOES NOT SEND any information anywhere, by
any means. The information is safe.
• InCharge Software does not keeep or store any private
information. If it is provided, InCharge Software will delete it
immediately. The Company's only requirement is that the
software be registered.
Using the Internet: You are likely to use the internet and many activities are safe
and getting safer. Institutions receiving payments make the
greatest efforts in guarding their customers private data. They
have had it for years and safeguarding is at the top of their
Using a Hosted Service: • There are two ways that Expense Management can be done.
• One method is the Hosted Service; all information would be
stored with the company providing the service. InCharge
Software DOES NOT provide such a service.
• The second method is that the software and data be in the
user's control at all times. This is the InCharge Software way.
Subscribing to Bill Pay: • Signing up with Bill Payer is a fad that is being revived; it
just does not allow for multiple checking account control or
payments made with cash or distinguish subtle taxable vs.
non-taxable expenses. • Requires giving the Bill Payer very personal information.
Is the financial information safe(nowadays, probably Yes.)
• Will they pay on time (they were late a lot in the past.)
• What if they are late making payments.
• How much in advance does the money have to be