InCharge-Home Edition addresses all of these...
"I don't have many bills... but, let me tell you what happened today. I found out I need glasses
and have to have my eyes checked every two years. What I really need is to remember when it is
time for the check up and save the money for the Dr. and new glasses. It is a future expense."
"I don't have any bills issues... I would like an annual summary each Jan. for tax purposes."
"I would like my bills to be consistent year-round (same amount each month)"
"I don't have any bills issues... only the unexpected car repair."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, my semi-annual Life Insurance payment makes me struggle
that month."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I do some consulting work besides my regular job. When it is
time to file my Tax Returns, my Tax Preparer wants the expenses separated. It takes me a lot of
time to get the numbers right. Sometimes, I just give him a shoe box full of receipts."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I do some 'work on the side' trying out a new venture. I don't
how to group the 'business expenses' to file my taxes. Worst of all is tracking that income and
the related expenses. I had to create a separate spreadsheet to have some visibility; that just
takes more of my personal time."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I wish I had a warning system to insure I pay them on time.
Some or my utilities send me a reminder that the bill is coming due but, others don't. I wish I
had a consistent single place of reference."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, tracking my Rental properties expenses and then arranging
the same information for Tax filing is so time consuming that I lose sight of the business. The
IRS wants all income and expenses separated by property but I also want to see them combined."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I am often 'squeezed' when it is time to buy presents."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, when I go on vacation, I am not sure which bills will arrive
while I am gone. I wish I knew which ones to expect so I can get online and pay them even
though I have not received the invoice"
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I am going through a Divorce and the Court wants me to
summarize my monthly expenses, group them according to their Categories, provide three
month average amounts and give them a new updated version every time I return to Court. It is
taking up all my free personal time."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, a few times I was charged a late fee because the bill was
mailed late to me. Wish I had my own warning method to avoid the fee and the calls I had to
make to fix it."
"I don't have any bills issues... I created my own spreadsheet and track my expenses. It's extra
work. But, I control it. Of course, it does nothing to prepare me for future expenses."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I get in trouble using credit cards. I need a process to catch
up and get better control of their use."
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I never have enough money to buy gifts during the holidays.
Holidays become a financial struggle"
"I don't have any bills issues... but, I have Tax return filing issues; many of my issues arise when
it's time to gather my receipts to file my tax returns."